Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Went hiking with him the other day.
It was the worst hiking I ever had!
Due to the lack of sleep [ I slept at 4.30 am to solve some prob ] and lack of water.
I get dehydrated easily!
This explains why I used to faint every year in Annual Parade. =="

Postponed the time. Lmao!
We actually supposed to meet up at 7.30 am but we delayed till 8.30 am.
The sun had came out and wished us a very Good Morning!
Vitamin D, here I come!

Fatty!!! =D

Yours truly.

I swear, I am sooooo going to faint on the way back.

It was pathetic. I need water. I am pale!

In the end, we stopped by the nearest stall to buy teh o ais.

My saviour of the day, teh o ais! =)

Rest and rot at home while he was busy thinking...
He was busy thinking the way to solve me pimples problem! XD
He ended up taking a knife and cut off a piece of aloe vera outside my hse.

Did the so called aloe vera mask and it itches so much!

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