Friday, October 22, 2010

Rebound! :D

My finals starts next week! Alright, no. Fivemoredaysinprecise! :O
I'm freaking out. So unprepared! :(
Been slacking too much for too longgggggggggg :(

College ends yesterday. I'm feeling so reluctant to leave! 
18months passed by so freaking fast! I can still remember the first day of orientation.. Unknowns everywhere! HAHAHAH :P
But now, we're so blended into each other. So sad that we're going to be apart soon :(

I need to shop so badly! I dont know why plus I dont think that we need a reason to shop :P
I'm dying to get some hair accessories and a vest :D Stupid finals is making shopping in malls impossible..
And this is when online shopping comes in handy!! Oh, the fun of clicking without realizing the shrinking of your savings account D:

Just finish uploaded tonnes of pics in fb. Time to hit the books! *punches fist into the air*

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