Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My red hawt baby is GONE! 
*cries out loud*
No one to blame but myself. I'm that sad *cries out even louder*

Was still awake around 2am yday..
Parents just came back and rushed into the room to ask who drove my car out.
I was like.. HA? *blur*
Mummy said the gate is open and my car is nowhere to be seen. 
Was tensed up like mad.. knocking aunt's and grandparents' door to ask whether they're in the house not.
And.. Everyone is in my hse BUT my car is NOT!

Felt awfully guilty at that very moment..
I left the key in the car. How careless can I be? :(
Couldnt fall sleep yday night.. Cried myself to sleep *emo*
The memories of my car made me cry even more.. 
Yes, I cried not because of my car being stole.. but I miss my car.
My little baby.. Little memories built day by day..
I spent almost 3 hours per day with my baby!! How not to miss it? :(
And, my cow... My keychain.. Writing this makes me wanna cry even more.. 

Awful cracks that I've done to my car. Lousy driver, I know! HAHAHA :(
Those are the pics that I'll MMS to my mum once I hit it :P
My car is full of injuries due to this AWESOME driver! 

I usually get very hyped up whenever I see another Kenari parked beside my car. See see!! :D

Things that I'll be missing dearly ( STUPID THEIF @$#^$&$% ) :

The keychain from the boyf and my COWWWW! Purposely bought another same one to put in boyf's car..
BUT mine is gone now. PFFFTTT! I miss cow cow :(
He even bought his for me to hug when I'm sick two weeks ago.. 

My window deco!! It makes my car so much more easier to recognize! Nehhhhh! I want back my carrrrr! 

And.. Most of all, I've lost my favourite place to camwhore!
Imagine the longggg journey to Penang everyday. Traffic jams and all.
Whats the best thing to do in the car? 

Found tonnes of my vain pics in my folder while updating this post..
but I couldnt find my car's solo pic! :(
Guess I'll just have to imagine my red baby for the rest of my life...
Sobs* Baby, I miss youuuuuu! 

Anyway, on the brighter side, I'm getting a new car :D
Okay, not exactly a new car.. New secondhand car :X
Coz I need a car asap, so.. this is the fastest way to get a car. Its coming on Friday! 
I need to drive to coll everyday! No one at home will dare to let me drive the Merc ( my driving skills is that awesome! )
Ahhhh, big headache for the next few days. :(
Good news is... This time, its under my name! :P 

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