Just like we used to be. =)
I am seriously having a severe problem with my parking skills!
Until now, I still cant successfully park my car alone, all by myself.
I felt so miserable. =="
Whenever I drive, I need babe by my side to turn the stereng wheel for me.
That night, we even exchanged place to park my car.
Dont laugh, kay? I'm that usually not that beng! Hehe!
Had our dinner at our 'lou tei fong', Takehana.
Girls just cant stop talking....
Had our favourite dinner and our favourite show, Mr Bean!
We even sat there for quite some time after dinner just to watch the show.
Laughed like siao.
And.. and.. and...
The waitress there still REMEMBER us!!!!
I actually like turtles.
After that, we went to McD.
This time, babe is the one driving.
I dunno how to reverse my car properly,
and I need to park my car again at McD.
So, its a wise choice for him to drive.
Had my fav fries and sundae.
Planned to buy the Madagascar headgear but...
... the manager gave us a bad news!!
Left Lion only!!!!!
I'm planning to get either Hippo or Zebra.
Gurty. Vincci.
Sannie. Yoongie.
This is why I dont take photos with him when we're standing. He's too tall! =="
Yours truly.
Bad news ; my maid just destroyed this top of mine.
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